jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Blade Runner - Animated Film

Today Open Culture posted an amazing animated film made of watercolor paintings!! A Swedish artist made this film as a tribute to Blade Runner with 12,597 paintings! Watch it here

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Monsters / Aliens / Androids

Alien is definitely a special saga for me, even though I haven't watched any of the movies recently. It was nice to remember them! Images from Alien: the Illustrated Story by Archie Goodwin and Walt Simonson: 

There's a Japanese tv programme (dorama) which is being broadcasted now called Ando Lloyd or Ando Roido (安堂ロイド). It's about an android that travels through time! I've only watched a few episodes, so I still don't know whether I like the story or not, but what I've seen so far is quite interesting. I really love watching Asian dramas! It's awesome when I find a science fiction story like this one.

By the way, the other day I read this article about the new Taiwan's Special Forces uniform. When I look at it I think of a science fiction villain or a terror movie psychopath! Maybe all uniforms from the future will be similar to this one; I hope not! I think the mask is really creepy.

Comic Books / Batman / Documentaries

When I was looking for more information on comic books I found a documentary on Batman's psyche. I really liked the 80's-90's movies when I watched them a few years ago. This documentary analizes Batman and some of the most famous villains in Gotham City. 

I also found a documentary about the science of Batman and one about comic book superheroes that I'm going to post below. They're very interesting!